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Family dinner chat cards



Meaningful and heartfelt conversations among family members are a real source of well-being and happiness. However, they are easier said than done, especially with kids. “How was school today?”, you ask a teenager – and you might get “Okay” as an answer. This response provides little insight, leaving the child’s true thoughts and feelings a mystery.

Initiating a conversation within a family that includes kids of different ages often feels like a game of chance, influenced by varying moods, levels of tiredness and perhaps even the phases of the moon. Yet, maybe the key lies in asking the right questions? Ones, that are stimulating to contemplate, and that don’t permit answers that aren’t carefully considered.

These 52 cards feature precisely the type of questions you’re looking for!

Recommended age: 7+
Players: 2-8

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ENG Family conversation cards, EST Pereõhtulaua vestluskaardid

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